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Dec 13 2021
Vegan Diet

5 reasons to go vegan this January?

Thinking about going vegan this January? Well, you should give it a try. Switching to a plant-based diet is the single most impactful lifestyle change you can make to radically improve the health of yourself and the planet.

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Matt Martin


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A new year is upon us with all its promise of a fresh start. This often encourages us to reflect on our goals and ambitions - for many people their New Year’s resolutions include losing weight, being healthier, and doing more to make the world a kinder place. Going vegan this January could be the best way you can contribute to improving your health and wellbeing, the health of the environment, and people and animals. If you’re not quite convinced yet, here are 5 reasons why you should try going vegan this January.

1. Improve your health and well-being 

When we fill our plates with fruits and vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, wholegrains and herbs, we are nourishing our bodies with the natural tools they need to feel and look their best. One of the most impactful steps you can take today to improve your health, boost your energy levels, and prevent chronic diseases is to switch to a vegan diet. Nutrition is the cornerstone in reducing your risk of developing health problems and living longer. Many chronic diseases can in fact be prevented, controlled, or even reversed on a whole-foods, vegan diet. 

2. Fight climate change

Vegan diets are proven to have considerably lower carbon, water, and ecological footprints in comparison to meat and fish-based diets. Animal agriculture is a major driver of climate change, water pollution, land degradation, loss of wildlife and biodiversity, deforestation, and ocean destruction. Because mass food production has such a devastating impact on nature, radical changes in the food system will be essential going forwards in avoiding floods, droughts, extreme weather, and rising sea levels. Going plant-based is one of the biggest changes we as individuals can implement to reduce our impact on the environment.

3. Boost your performance 

Many people fear a loss of energy or muscle mass when abstaining from animal products, but quite the opposite is true. Meat and dairy are especially difficult for the stomach to digest, which means they require a lot of your energy, often leaving you feeling sluggish and tired. Ever remember eating too much turkey at Christmas then not being able to move? This is probably why. Adopting a vegan diet in no way hinders you from reaching your fitness goals, and may give you a nice boost of added energy, strength, and endurance, with not to mention less inflammation and faster recovery. So for those looking for an edge, or for those who just want to keep doing what they love for longer, going vegan might just be the answer.

4. Try new delicious food

Trying new plant-based recipes broadens your horizon, your taste buds, and lets you discover healthy mouth-watering dishes you wouldn’t have thought of in the beginning. Plus, there’s no need to fret about giving up your favourite food as almost every meal you can think of can be veganized - from lasagne and katsu curry to pancakes. And, no, you don’t need to worry about protein intake as all plant foods contain protein, and are a natural high-quality source too. Spinach contains up to 30 percent protein. Nuts and seeds derive 15 to 25 percent of their calories from protein. Beans and legumes are another excellent source and all sources of vegetable protein are free of the steroids, growth hormones, and antibiotics usually found in conventionally produced beef, pork and poultry.

5. Better for animals and people

It may sound obvious, but adopting a plant-based diet lowers demand for animal agriculture, thereby reducing the need for unethical practices. By choosing a plant-based diet, you’re also helping to slow the destruction of our rainforests in order to clear land for raising cattle (or growing the crops to feed them). So you’re helping to protect the habitats of indigenous people and animals like orangutans, pandas and birds who rely on these rich ecosystems to survive. And by reducing your carbon footprint with a vegan diet, you’re helping fight climate change and the devastation that it inflicts on humans and animals around the world. 

The hardest part in going plant-based is often getting started. But, if you’re dabbling with the idea of going vegan this January, it’s never been easier! In fact, at Holy we would go so far as to say that Holy and Veganuary are a match made in heaven. Think of us as your own personal chef and nutritionist, serving up breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks that feed your body with 100% of its required nutrition. No guesswork. No worrying about what to cook. Just ridiculously tasty plant-based food to kickstart your new year. 

Whether you want to put on muscle, lose weight or just eat tasty food, we have you covered with a variety of plans that are fully customisable. Our scientific and holistic approach will help you experience more energy, better digestion, reduced inflammation, all that while doing your part in helping our planet and saving animals.

We’re offering a limited number of places for Veganuary so click here to apply now and secure the tastiest January of your life. The first 50 places will receive a 30% discount for the full month of Holy meals.

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Get Your Free Vegan Diet Guide

Written by famous nutritionist and acclaimed author TJ Waterfall (also Holy resident nutritionists) this detailed guide to the vegan diet aims to cover everything you need to know vegan diet & nutrition.

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