the Holy Blog
The importance of soil preservation
Soil covers the Earth, spreading vastly, deeply and nurturing our land with food. Its cultures and inhabitants are ingrained in our ecosystem, necessary for our survival. Yet, it is in danger. Day by day, unsustainable farming, overpopulation, pesticides and fertilisers strip the Earth of its rich nutrients.
Benefits of meditation in modern life
The modern world is busy and chaotic. When days are fast paced, filled with work stress, family responsibilities and trying to maintain a healthy, happy life - it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.
British drinking culture and its effects on the body
Across the world, the UK is famed for our appreciation and overindulgence in alcohol and it’s true! The UK has one of the world’s highest levels of alcohol consumption per capita. Brits drink an average of 9.7 litres of alcohol per year, per person, which equates to 108 bottles of wine. That’s a lot of wine!
How to avoid deficiencies in a plant-based diet
Plant-based diets boast to be miracle healers. They can reverse years of damage to the heart, aid weight loss, and promote healthy immune systems all while healing the planet. Yet some possible side effects are important to keep in mind when switching to veganism.
Plant-based eating around the world
With the sudden influx of plant-based eating around the globe, it’s easy to believe that ‘Veganism’ is a modern diet… Yet vegan food has been eaten throughout history, all over the world.
The health effects of hyper processed vegan food
Veganism - it’s basically the poster diet for health, right? Yet, with the rise in ultra-processed vegan options, it seems even plant-based eating has its dangers.
How a plant-based diet can make you live longer
New research has discovered that eating a plant based diet could fight ageing and even add up to 13 years to our lives!
Why everyone should think about Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is a really important nutrient for anyone following a plant-based diet to be aware of.
The ultimate guide to vegan protein
Tell someone you’re vegan and you’ll likely hear concern about protein intake. Why is this? And do the assumptions surrounding vegan diets being protein deficient hold-up?
Gut microbiome health
The gut microbiome is one of the most fascinating and rapidly developing areas of human health research.
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Get Your Free Vegan Diet Guide
Written by famous nutritionist and acclaimed author TJ Waterfall (also Holy resident nutritionists) this detailed guide to the vegan diet aims to cover everything you need to know vegan diet & nutrition.